Outdoor Workouts to Burn Fat


Tired of being in a gym when the weather is nice? Try some of these outdoor exercises that will help you with fat burning and building up your muscles.

#1 Bench Push-Ups

First, put your feet on the bench in a park and put your hands on the ground. Keep your belly tight and down. Do 10 push-ups this way.

Then switch and put your feet on the ground and your arms on the bench. Do 10 more this way.

You can repeat this set twice or add 10 regular (on the ground) push-ups.

Bench Push-Ups

#2 Bench Step-Ups

Keep your left foot on a bench, step up and down with your right foot, bringing your leg to your chest. Then keep your right foot on the bench, and do the same with the left foot to complete the set.

Repeat 15 or 20 times.

Bench Step-Ups

Bench Step-Ups

#3 Plank Hold

Lie down to the ground to the push-up position and bend your elbows 90 degrees so that you rest your weight on your forearms. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Keep your abs tight and head up. Hold the position for as long as you can.

Your goal should be to hold it for two minutes.

Plank Hold

Plank Hold

#4 Explosive Pull-Up

Find a branch that’s high above your head. Jump to reach it, exploding from the ground and thrusting up. Use your arms to lift above the branch, then ease yourself back down. Don’t put your legs down to the ground unless you have to.

Do as many as you can.



#5 Running

Put on your running shoes and choose you favorite track. By running you can burn up to 240 calories.



Source: FitnessMagazine

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